Dr. Michael Natterer
Managing Director Dennemeyer Octimine
Managing Director Innovation & Corporate Development

Qualifikationen und Zulassungen
- Ph.D.: Max-Planck-Institute Munich and Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich
- Master of Business Research (MBR): Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich
- Master of Business Administration (MBA): Sydney Graduate School of Management
- Master of Applied Finance (MAppFin): Sydney Graduate School of Management
- Diplom Kaufmann (Dipl.-Kfm.): Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich
Preise und Mitgliedschaften
- 2017 finalist of the Spark Award for AI
- 2017 nominated for the Diesel Medal
- 2016 winner of the Best Pitch Award (GA/Palo Alto/Silicon Valley)
- 2015 Octimine patent filed
- 2014 summa cum laude Ph.D. thesis and alumni price for excellent research