WTR 1000: Dennemeyer & Associates ranked as one of the world’s top IP law firms
The latest edition of the World Trademark Review 1000 rated Dennemeyer & Associates as one of the world’s leading IP law firms in Benelux, Croatia and Russia.

On-demand webinar: Diams iQ, Dennemeyer's IP Management Software. First impressions, overview and highlights.
In this Webinar, Simon Wolff will show how DIAMS iQ can help you manage your IP Portfolio…

On-demand webinar: Octimine, our machine-learning software, to enhance your patent search quality
In this webinar, Matthias Pötzl will show how our revolutionary, machine-learning based p…
Dennemeyer expands into ARIPO territory
It is with great pleasure that Dennemeyer announces its expansion into the ARIPO IP territor…
On demand webinar: Selecting a trademark renewal provider
In this 30-minute webinar, Dan Bikus will discuss trademark renewals with Karen Allen, Denne…
Event: INSIGHTS Pharma mit Dr. Christopher Brückner
Umsatzstarke und somit oft forschungsintensive Arzneimittel erzielen oft erst nach Ablauf de…
WTR 1000: Top rankings for the Dennemeyer Group
The Dennemeyer Group has been selected as the “Recommended Trademark Service Provider” by …
IP Expert Guide 2019: results from the first IP Trend Monitor study
Last year, Dennemeyer Group and CTC Legal Media set up IP Trend Monitor, an online expert pane…
Dennemeyer & Associates - winner at Lawyer Monthly Legal Awards 2018
Lawyer Monthly Legal Awards 2018 has named Dennemeyer & Associates as the winner of the “Int…

Save the date - Canada’s new trademark law will come into force on June 17, 2019
The long awaited implementation of Canada’s new trademark legislation has been set to June 17, 2019. The Canadian Trademark Act and Regulation have been endowed with significant revisions that will have a huge global impact on trademark protection strateg

Dennemeyer & Associates welcomes Patent Attorney Dalibor Grabovac
Dennemeyer & Associates is proud to announce and welcome Dalibor Grabovac as an of counsel patent attorney, joining the Munich team.

IP5 Collaborative Search & Examination Pilot Program - First promising results
The European Patent Office (EPO) announced that it had reached its quota for the Collaborative Search and Examination pilot project after only two months and a half from launch. Here are the first promising results.