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Africa is an important continent for the production of minerals and precious metals, but very little jewelry is manufactured there.
Candy or chocolate bars are perhaps the most commonly bought sweet treats globally, but do you know their value as IP assets?
DIAMS iQ combines long-term hands-on IP expertise and integrated IP country law knowledge with innovative digital tools in a modern and intuitive solution.
Each time you pick up a book or an e-reader, it is well worth reflecting on this medium's unique power to inform, influence and inspire.
High-growth inventions based on IP are likely to come from expert inventors who operate within a structure for research and development.
IP Trend Monitor's new study focuses on the impact COVID-19 has had on IP professionals' work and working culture.
We turn to another thing that we likely take for granted daily, but without which we would not exist in any way as we do today: indoor plumbing.
Discover a recent case in which our Dennemeyer IP Consulting team helped a client gain robust insights into their position within the industry.
A sampling of some of the most important terms you will encounter and a few that are too intriguing not to mention.
Discover all about the invention of toothbrushes and delve into their evolution in terms of IP.
Now that the Japanese and French patent systems are aligned, applicants from both countries might be interested in taking advantage of this new PPH agreement.
Many times, even the most basic products that we are taking for granted — such as the socks you are likely wearing as you read this — are tied to IP.