A long time in the making: patent, trademark and copyright news
Discover how patent trends, trademark disputes and copyright questions reveal market dynamics and highlight the long-term value of innovation.

Taking a bite out of IP law: exploring two EUIPO snack cases
Learn about recent legal cases concerning trademarks and registered Community designs.

IP trends in the pharmaceutical industry
Take a closer look at some of the top pharmaceutical trends and how IP is driving and being driven by these changes.

How CDAs and licenses support each other
Discover the importance of Confidential Disclosure Agreements (CDAs) in protecting valuable business assets during licensing negotiations.

Patients, privacy and progress – IP in the future of medical devices
Take an in-depth look at medical devices and how IP will foster, inform and protect more innovative healthcare experiences.

IP Games: trademark disputes, patent challenges and anti-piracy efforts
Explore the latest IP dramas, from an Olympic trademark dispute to challenges in drug patenting and a lawsuit for allowing music piracy.

Everyday IP: Inventions that went from science fiction to science fact
Explore inventions inspired by sci-fi books, movies and TV shows to see how IP law bridges the gap between fact and fiction.

Digital disruption - trends reshaping media and entertainment
Discover the services and technologies that are changing the way we experience and share creativity.

Romania ratifies the Agreement on a Unified Patent Court
On September 1, 2024, Romania will join the UPC and become the 18th participant in the Unitary Patent system.

Laws for the digital economy – and beyond
New technologies and business models routinely offer a combination of opportunities and challenges to IP owners.

Preserving prestige: Intellectual Property challenges in the modern luxury goods industry
The luxury goods sector is evolving, and so are its IP strategies. Learn about new obligations and opportunities in this industry.

Data, intelligence and IP – the future of ICT
We view information and communication technology projections through an IP lens to discover how innovation is defined, shaped and protected.