IP Quiz 2019: Test your IP knowledge and support global reforestation!
Help us donate to global reforestation programs! All you have to do is participate in the IP Quiz, and, for each correct answer, Dennemeyer will donate €2 to support the fight against climate change.

Decoded: DNA sequencing and patent similarity
As all innovators will tell you, the trouble with any new project is finding the right information. But humans were not the first to work with information and data analysis.

Dennemeyer Group acquires the Italian IP law firm De Simone & Partners
Continuing Dennemeyer's glocal approach, the De Simone brand will remain the face of the Italian market while serving as a gateway to Dennemeyer's international legal and administrative backbone.

The evolution of trademarks - from ancient Egypt to modern times
Today, trademarks can be vigorously defended in court, but it was not always the case. Let us wander back for a bit and marvel at how trademarks have transformed and evolved over time.

Your ultimate guide on how to manage the high costs of obtaining patents
The rights afforded to inventors through patent protection make Patent Filing a very valuable proposition for companies of all sizes. However, the process of obtaining a patent is often fraught with fees and costs that can be intimidating.

SPCs and new developments in the biotech sector
Does the European Regulation on Supplementary Protection Certificates still meet today's technological requirements? Dr. Christopher Brückner, from Dennemeyer & Associates, weights in.

How will AI transform the management of Intellectual Property?
The results of IP Trend Monitor's 2019 edition are in! Read the full report to learn which types of work are more likely to be affected, what adjustments will be required and how we can prepare for an AI future.

Can artificial intelligence systems patent their inventions?
Recently, one legal team has pressured patent offices around the world to answer one question: Can artificial intelligence systems patent their own inventions? Dr. Malte Köllner, Head of Dennemeyer’s Frankfurt office weighs in.

NASA inventions: One small step for man, one giant leap for freeze-dried ice cream
This year marks the 50th anniversary of that groundbreaking Apollo mission, and to celebrate, we are taking a look at some of the patents and inventions that NASA has developed over the years.

Associate Spotlight with Jan Wrede
In 2014, Jan Wrede, Managing Director, Dennemeyer & Associates UAE and Attorney-at-Law (Germany, Italy), opened the Dennemeyer Dubai Office, focusing on IP in the whole MENA region. Find out more about him in this month's Associate Spotlight.

USPTO pushes back the effective date of electronic trademark filing rule
In the U.S., a new rule regarding electronic trademark application submissions is coming up soon. Still, it has recently been delayed to provide applicants and the USPTO with more time to prepare.

Patents that will help you haunt this Halloween!
Without the patent process, your choices for Halloween costumes, ingenious decor, spooky accessories and even life-sized Halloween novelty items would be limited.