Triple play – Dennemeyer’s approach to Patent Opposition
Failure to file a patent opposition within a period of nine months from the publication of the grant leaves prospective contestants with no option but to challenge the patent by individually filing for revocation in the national courts of the countries ap

Luxembourg’s new IP tax regime for 2018
Luxembourg's 2018 budget law offers a special tax incentive for certain incomes from Intellectual Property rights.

U.S. forums explore tackling changes in IP
Join Dennemeyer at the United States forum series 2018. Tackling changes in intellectual property - patent and trademark management.

As time goes by – a lookback on the year 1962
A fun retrospective about the world in 1962 and then a talk about how the world has changed for everybody.

Improving patent procedures globally: how the European patent system could break the deadlock?
On March 1, 2018, the validation agreement between the European Patent Office and Cambodia will enter into force. Discover how validation agreements can streamline patent filings globally and help applicants reduce costs.

Trolls spread over Europe – take them out!
The average annual growth rate of actions related to NPEs between 2007 and 2017 was as high as 19%. Trolls must be taken out of the game!

Application strategy for computer-implemented inventions - insights from an EPO professional
Find out what is “computer-implemented invention” and what strategies should inventors employ when trying to patent-protect their computer-implemented products.

Dennemeyer Group - gold award for the Best IP Advisor in Belgium and Luxembourg
During the Paris Innovation & IP Forum and Awards, the Dennemeyer Group was awarded the gold medal in the Best IP Advisor in Belgium and Luxembourg category.
UKIPO announces changes to patents fees starting from 6th of April 2018
The Intellectual Property Office is introducing a number of changes to the fees for applying…

The digitalization of patent annuity payments - insights from a pioneer
Romain Hoffmann witnessed the birth of IP software. And now, 33 years after, he shares his story on how a closet sized computer revolutionized the IP market.
Dennemeyer & Associates – a world-leading trademark professional!
The World Trademark Review 1000 research directory, which focuses exclusively on trademark p…

Die Zukunft des geistigen Eigentums - Ein Ausblick auf 2018 und darüber hinaus
Die Studie "The future of Intellectual Property" beschreibt, wie sich das Management von IP künftig verändern wird und leitet daraus Strategieoptionen ab.