Dennemeyer strives to be a sustainable organization and partner in all aspects of Intellectual Property (IP).
Explore our latest initiatives aimed at minimizing our environmental impact and promoting social responsibility.
Dennemeyer's governance practices and policies play a key role in the success and sustainability of our company

Global code of conduct
We are committed to maintaining a safe and healthy working environment for our employees and conducting business with integrity for all stakeholders. Our obligation to act ethically also extends to our supply chain, asking suppliers to acknowledge and accept our business code of conduct, covering the UNGC Ten Principles and other fundamental standards.
See our policy for more information
Anti-corruption, anti-money laundering and anti-trust policies
Anti-corruption, anti-money laundering and anti-trust policies are essential safeguards that we have put in place to ensure we maintain ethical business practices. These policies reiterate our commitment to conducting business with honesty and integrity in full compliance with applicable laws.
See our policy for more information
Conflict of interest
A conflict of interest policy is needed to prevent our employees from being asked to compromise their objectivity. This is essential for building trust between team Dennemeyer and clients.
See our policy for more information
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) policy
Dennemeyer's CSR policy reflects our commitment to being a sustainable organization and partner in all aspects of IP. We understand that our business activities, directly and indirectly, impact the environment, society and economy.
See our policy for more information
More insights

Dedicated to quality: Dennemeyer passes ISO 9001:2015 recertification
Ever pursuing excellence, 21 Dennemeyer entities have been recertified for quality management until 2027.

Dennemeyer's commitment to sustainable business
At Dennemeyer, we are committed to helping all our clients achieve their green targets while pursuing our own.

Plant patents: balancing innovation and biodiversity
Mounting pressure on Earth's natural resources means agriculture must become more efficient and adaptive.

Cleaning the world's oceans – one patent at a time
Take a closer look at some remarkable inventions helping to clean up our world's oceans and waterways.