phone +352 276115-100 Get in touch

Global legal expertise for
Intellectual Property

trademark protection trademark protection

Comprehensive protection and strategic legal advice for your trademark portfolios across the world and in all global markets.

design protection design protection

We advise on the entire life cycle of your products, including design protection.

patent protection patent protection

From claim drafting to prosecution, we take all necessary steps to ensure that your invention is protected globally.

intellectual property defense intellectual property defense
Intellectual Property
Intellectual Property

We help you with the active enforcement of your IP rights against others as well as defending your portfolios from third-party attacks.

IP law firm services

Global coverage of all IP aspects

We are your partner of choice for all aspects of Intellectual Property management, strategically and operationally. We support companies of all forms and sizes as a single point of contact for global IP portfolios. Our Intellectual Property lawyers advise on trademark and design matters, and our technical expertise in patent matters covers physics, chemistry, biochemistry, pharmacy, computer science, mechanical and electrical engineering.

trade mark protection
Trademark Protection
design protection
Design Protection
protect patents
Patent Protection
intellectual property defense
Intellectual Property Defense
Trademark Protection
We cover all aspects, from international trademark registration and portfolio management to conflict resolution and enforcement.
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Trademark Filing
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Trademark Monitoring
Design Protection
Protect the design of your products. Our team is ready to support you worldwide.
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Design Filing
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Design Searches & Opinions
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Patent Protection
Protect your inventions with patents or utility models. Our team is available to apply innovative filing strategies globally.
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EP Validation
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Freedom to Operate Searches
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Patent Filing
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Patent Searches & Opinions
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PCT Nationalization
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Supplementary Protection Certificates (SPCs)
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Unitary Patent — Unified Patent Court (UPC)
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Working Statements
Intellectual Property Defense
We will support you in opposition, cancellation and nullity proceedings, assist you in customs actions against counterfeiting and copyright infringements.
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Copyright Enforcement
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IP Litigation
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Opposition & Nullity

Digitalization has captured the world of trademarks, but today, it is imperative to combine online marketing with the right domain name. Stake your claim in the virtual universe so that your brands and trademarks receive the digital awareness that they deserve.

Especially online, trademark registrations should go hand-in-hand with domain name registrations. Without proper domain names, your company and its products cannot appropriately be marketed, searched for and purchased on the Internet. Visibility and awareness are paramount.


Companies sometimes change their name, and more often than not, IP rights are sold. Either way, it is crucial to keep the IP offices up to date to be able to make use of the rights. But complex administration in different countries is time-consuming and can often result in lapses.

At Dennemeyer, we have developed a notably secure and easy procedure for recording changes in trademark registers, which saves costs and reduces risks. Our IP attorneys are experts in all local requirements and have streamlined workflows.

Trademark Filing

A trademark that captures the heart and soul of your corporation or product is worthless if you are not the only one that can use it.

Filing a trademark application allows for protection even before commencing use. Employing professional support will help your trademark develop fast without you having to worry about it. Dennemeyer will take care of the trademark filing process, and deal with any subsequent issues that might arise.

Trademark Monitoring

Watch your competitors and be on the lookout for possible trademark infringements. We monitor the global applications of identical or similar trademarks, advise you on the appropriate steps and be ready to take immediate action if needed.

After securing the registration of your trademarks, enforce them to prevent others from taking advantage of your reputation. Without monitoring the trademark-filing activities of third parties, it will be challenging to become aware when someone infringes on your brands.

Design Filing

We file wherever you want us to, combining the expertise about local procedures with the scope of a global full-service provider for IP management.

Being an important and often underestimated aspect of Intellectual Property, designs must be protected from the start and before disclosure to the public. Dennemeyer helps you defend your creation through all stages of its life cycle, worldwide.

Design Searches & Opinions

Designing means to produce unique creation with a specific purpose in mind. But what happens if someone else has already created this design before? Design searches and opinions service helps you discover if you have a unique design not yet protected by another party.  


Companies sometimes change their name, and more often than not, IP rights are sold. Either way, it is crucial to keep the IP offices up to date to be able to make use of the rights. But complex administration in different countries is time-consuming and can often result in lapses.

At Dennemeyer, we have developed a notably secure and easy procedure for recording changes in design registers, which saves costs and reduces risks. Our IP attorneys are experts in all local requirements and have streamlined workflows.

EP Validation

Dennemeyer helps you generate efficiency gains on time by handling the validation of your granted European patents in all relevant countries.

Successfully going through the prosecution and grant stage has allowed you to obtain your European patent (EP). The next step is to get it validated in each country where you seek protection, which requires the fulfillment of time-consuming and burdensome formalities. Dennemeyer will take over and help you complete the procedures in one single instruction.

Freedom to Operate Searches

The complexities of the IP world demand that businesses looking to establish distinct presences in the market conduct considerable research before committing to the costs of creating and selling a product. Organizations that fail to do so, and put out products or trademarks that replicate prior art, can find themselves embroiled in costly, reputation-damaging lawsuits.

Let the experts at Dennemeyer conduct FTO searches that will ascertain the originality and commercial viability of your IP and prevent you from wasting creative time and resources.

Patent Filing

After you made sure that your patent draft has your invention covered on all sides, it is time to lodge a patent application with the required authorities. Now you need to be fast and diligent. Better make sure you have the best IP services available at your side.

Filing your patent with the proper international or local authorities is not the flashiest process of monetizing your invention. Dennemeyer can consult on the best filing strategy matching your business plan.

Patent Searches & Opinions

Before deciding to get your invention drafted and filed, do a patent search and get an opinion from an experienced patent attorney.

Reinventing the wheel is not only embarrassing, but it can also become quite expensive. Has anybody done it before, and is it worth doing? Should I move on with patent drafting and patent filing? These are all questions that an inventor should consider before moving on to obtaining a patent. Employing the services of a globally active Intellectual Property full-service provider like Dennemeyer will always get you unbiased answers that will help you make the best possible decision regarding your invention.

PCT Nationalization

With the increasing speed of globalization, it is essential to protect your company's IP assets in several regions. The Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) enables you to obtain patents in multiple jurisdictions through a streamlined application process.

The Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) enables inventors and applicants to seek patent protection and increase their chances of obtaining patents in multiple jurisdictions simultaneously through a streamlined filing procedure. The PCT system allows one to postpone the decision in which countries to seek patent protection for up to 30 or 31 months (or more) and enter the national/regional phases of a PCT application in well over 150 jurisdictions.


Companies sometimes change their name, and more often than not, IP rights are sold. Either way, it is crucial to keep the IP offices up to date to be able to make use of the rights. But complex administration in different countries is time-consuming and can often result in lapses.

At Dennemeyer, we have developed a notably secure and easy procedure for recording changes in patent registers, which saves costs and reduces risks. Our IP attorneys are experts in all local requirements and have streamlined workflows.

Supplementary Protection Certificates (SPCs)

Due to the time and money-consuming procedure for getting a marketing authorization (MA), extending the duration of patents by getting an SPC is a great solution.

The SPC is a national protection right granted by the national patent office of the member states of the European Community. Depending on the time it takes from the filing day of the patent up to the grant of the MA, an SPC can extend the duration of a patent up to five years. Our highly qualified patent attorneys can advise with the best SPC filing strategy to secure the longest possible protection for your patented products

Unitary Patent — Unified Patent Court (UPC)

Our patent attorneys are qualified to represent you in all services regarding unitary patents and the UPC. Whether it is to request unitary effect (prepare and file the requested translations), opt out from the UPC jurisdiction (individually or in bulk), request a delay in issuing the decision to grant an EP or file an early request for unitary effect, we are there for you! Dennemeyer & Associates can streamline these processes for your organization, overseeing all required operations in a thorough and timely fashion and at a very competitive cost.

Working Statements

When your company decides that it is time to access the Indian market — one of the most important future markets worldwide — remember that, after the patent has been granted, you need to file a so-called 'working statement' yearly.

Under the Indian Patent law, you are required to file a yearly statement on the extent to which your patented invention has been worked on a commercial scale in India. If non-worked, reasonable arguments and suggestions as to how the patent will be used need to be provided to the patent office. Dennemeyer can support you with filing these working statements, so you do not need to worry about the bureaucracy. Our service also includes a plausibility check of your statements to avoid the patent becoming unenforceable.


Goods infringing Intellectual Property rights are difficult to detect by consumers or in-house IP departments and even more challenging to eliminate. Here is where our experts come into action.

Counterfeit or "fake" goods, as most consumers perceive them, create an enormous liability to both manufacturers and retailers. In today's global economy, the more popular the brand, the more likely it is to become the target of counterfeiters and experience a loss in both reputation and revenue. The Dennemeyer Group, with global offices and wide-reaching networks, can efficiently handle multi-jurisdictional branding issues as a single group and help you identify and eliminate key counterfeit offenders.

Copyright Enforcement

Copyrights play a significant role in almost all areas of life, especially in the internet era, where the need for copyright protection is prevalent. With the help of copyright law, creative people can make a living out of their content. However, the use and exploitation of or dealing with copyrights is not always easy. Even the design of your website bears some risks. Is someone using your work without a valid license? Did you receive a warning for the unauthorized use of a photograph? Our experts will be happy to you to find the right strategy.  

Enforcement of copyright claims of any kind (injunctive relief, information, damages and cost reimbursement claims) both in and out of court. Identifying and suspending illegal copies on the Internet, especially on online platforms. Defense against warning letters.

IP Litigation

Does someone infringe on your trademarks or patents? Enforce your IP rights and catch the copycats! Or, are you threatened with legal action? Our experienced legal experts are ready to get in the ring for you.

IP litigation includes infringement actions, FTO and validity opinions, pre-court actions, preliminary injunctions and injunctive relief, actions on the merits, enforcement, invalidity actions and counterclaims for revocation as well as oppositions. Dennemeyer will support you in all legal disputes.  

Opposition & Nullity

If a third party evokes a right against your patent or trademark (applications), or Dennemeyer's Monitoring service has identified a risk to your portfolio, it is time to take immediate action.

Dennemeyer handles opposition procedures before the patent and trademark offices either through our experts or in cooperation with local associates. As applicable per jurisdiction, we conduct nullity actions against third party rights before the offices or courts.  

Global network

Local offices in jurisdictions

Select country
Select city






















North America


United States

South America

Rio de Janeiro










United Arab Emirates



South Africa

worldmap with grid




Trademark Patent Design Intellectual Property




Trademark Design Intellectual Property




Trademark Patent Design Intellectual Property




Trademark Patent Design Intellectual Property




Trademark Patent Design Intellectual Property




Trademark Patent Design Intellectual Property




Trademark Patent

North America


United States

Trademark Patent Design Intellectual Property

South America

Rio de Janeiro


Trademark Patent Design Intellectual Property




Trademark Patent Design Intellectual Property




Trademark Patent Design Intellectual Property



United Arab Emirates

Trademark Patent Design Intellectual Property



South Africa

Trademark Patent Design Intellectual Property

Dennemeyer & Associates
Munich, Germany

Contact office

Contact info

Landaubogen 1-3, 81373 Munich
Monday - Friday
09:00 - 17.00
+49 89 66068840-0

Due to the presence of European and Japanese patent attorneys, our Munich office can serve as a single point of contact into important jurisdictions, such as Germany, United Kingdom, European Patent Convention and Japan. International clients value the fact that Japanese IP services can be provided in the UTC+1 time zone.




Patent Protection


Design Protection


IP Defense



Dirk Kromm

Dirk Kromm
MD D&A Germany, German Patent Attorney, European TM and Design Attorney located in our Munich office

Christopher Brueckner

Dr. Christopher Brückner
German Patent Attorney (Patentanwalt), European Patent, Trademark and Design Attorney

Anthony Carlick

Dr. Anthony Carlick
European Patent Attorney, Chartered Patent Attorney (UK)

Anna Falter

Anna Falter
German TM and Design Attorney located in our Munich office

Dalibor Grabovac

Dalibor Grabovac
German Patent Attorney (Patentanwalt), European Patent, Trademark and Design Attorney

Massimo Galluppi

Dr. Massimo Galluppi
European Patent Attorney, European Patent Litigator, Italian Patent Attorney (Consulente in brevetti)


Thorsten Nagl
German lawyer (Rechtsanwalt) located in our Munich office

Dirk Kromm

Dirk Kromm
MD D&A Germany, German Patent Attorney, European TM and Design Attorney located in our Munich office

Contact office

Dirk Kromm
MD D&A Germany, German Patent Attorney, European TM and Design Attorney located in our Munich office

Contact info

Landaubogen 1-3, 81373 Munich
Monday - Friday
09:00 - 17.00
+49 89 66068840-0

Dirk Kromm has more than 25 years of experience in Intellectual Property and holds a degree in Technical Physics from the Technical University of Munich.

In addition to his activity as Patent Attorney, Dirk Kromm gained longtime experience as IP consultant. He got valuable, extensive and sustainable knowledge as well as international work experience in various positions in well-reputed IP law firms and industrial companies.

During his career, Dirk Kromm held the position of a Senior Patent Counsel at the world’s leading manufacturer of braking systems for rail and commercial vehicles and the position of Manager Intellectual Property at one of the world’s most successful automotive companies.

Since joining Dennemeyer in 2012, Dirk Kromm has been holding various professional and leadership positions focused on IP and management.

Since April 2022, Dirk Kromm is leading the German subsidiary of Dennemeyer & Associates S.A. in Munich. As Managing Director, he actively brings in his IP knowledge and business experience to provide leadership and direction to the company with maximum efficiency.

Dirk Kromm speaks English and German and has been active in the field of IP since 1993.

Christopher Brueckner

Dr. Christopher Brückner
German Patent Attorney (Patentanwalt), European Patent, Trademark and Design Attorney

Contact office

Dr. Christopher Brückner
German Patent Attorney (Patentanwalt), European Patent, Trademark and Design Attorney

Contact info

Landaubogen 1-3, 81373 Munich
Monday - Friday
09:00 - 17.00
+49 89 66068840-0

Many IP-experts in the pharmaceutical industry know Dr. Brückner as the author of the German-English commentary on Supplementary Protection Certificates (SPCs). His combined qualifications as patent attorney and pharmacist, in combination with his corporate in-house experience, make him a sought-after contact for legal and entrepreneurial issues. His articles are published in law journals, and he is frequently invited to speak on this topic. He is also a co-author of the Singer / Stauder commentary on the European Patent Convention. Before joining Dennemeyer, Dr. Christopher Brückner was employed in the patent department of an internationally-known German company and after that in two patent law firms.

In 2012, the Higher Regional Court of Düsseldorf selected Dr. Brückner as a court-appointed expert. In 2016, the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition requested that Dr. Brückner participates in the preparation of a study commissioned by the EU. The purpose of the study was to assess whether the current EU Regulation 469/2009 for SPCs meets today’s technical and legal requirements.

Dr. Christopher Brückner speaks English and German and has been active in the field of IP since 2001.

Anthony Carlick

Dr. Anthony Carlick
European Patent Attorney, Chartered Patent Attorney (UK)

Contact office

Dr. Anthony Carlick
European Patent Attorney, Chartered Patent Attorney (UK)

Contact info

Landaubogen 1-3, 81373 Munich
Monday - Friday
09:00 - 17.00
+49 89 66068840-0

Dr. Anthony Carlick entered the IP profession in 2005 having completed a Physics Ph.D. in low-temperature quantum mesoscopic devices and a Masters degree in Physics at the University of Bristol and the University of London. He holds a certificate in Intellectual Property Law from Queen Mary College, University of London. He qualified as a UK Patent Attorney in 2008 and as European Patent Attorney in 2009. Anthony is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys (CIPA) in the UK and has previously been a member of the International Liaison Committee of CIPA. He is also a member of the European Patent Institute as well as having tutored for both the UK and European patent qualifying examinations.

Anthony specializes in the areas of Physics, Engineering, Electronics, Software, Green Technology, and Medical Devices. In addition to extensive experience with drafting, prosecution and strategic portfolio advice, Anthony has worked on oppositions before the EPO and GCCPO (Gulf Cooperation Council Patent Office). He has also carried out freedom to operate opinions (FTOs), particularly in the field of medical devices. Before joining Dennemeyer & Associates he spent four years in Dubai as a patent consultant. Prior to that, he worked for a top-tier UK IP firm acting for blue-chip multinationals as well as universities and SMEs.

Dr. Anthony Carlick speaks English and has been active in the field of IP since 2005.

Anna Falter

Anna Falter
German TM and Design Attorney located in our Munich office

Contact office

Anna Falter
German TM and Design Attorney located in our Munich office

Contact info

Landaubogen 1-3, 81373 Munich
Monday - Friday
09:00 - 17.00
+49 89 66068840-0

Anna Falter is an experienced trademark lawyer counseling multinational corporations as well as small and medium sized businesses. Anna Falter speaks English and German and has been active in the field of IP since 2009.

Area of expertise: trademarks, domains, designs, copyrights

Dalibor Grabovac

Dalibor Grabovac
German Patent Attorney (Patentanwalt), European Patent, Trademark and Design Attorney

Contact office

Dalibor Grabovac
German Patent Attorney (Patentanwalt), European Patent, Trademark and Design Attorney

Contact info

Landaubogen 1-3, 81373 Munich
Monday - Friday
09:00 - 17.00
+49 89 66068840-0

Dalibor Grabovac joined Dennemeyer as an of counsel patent attorney. He is a European Patent Attorney and a European Trademark and Design Attorney with vast experience in IP. Dalibor Grabovac brings a wealth of knowledge from not only a patent law perspective but also trademark and design while staying on top of the latest developments in the Employee Inventor Compensation Law and Anti-Counterfeiting. He is the co-founder of a patent law firm and handled patent, trademark and design matters for local and international clients. One of his main tasks was to litigate IP rights of his clients against potential infringers. Before founding the patent law firm, he worked in a patent law department of a large company.

Dalibor Grabovac holds an LL.M. degree (Master of Laws) and has studied mechanical engineering at the Technical University of Munich (TUM). He frequently holds lectures about IP, in particular on how companies can reduce IP risks and enforce their IP portfolios.

Dalibor Grabovac speaks English, German and Croatian and has been active in the field of IP since 2004.

Massimo Galluppi

Dr. Massimo Galluppi
European Patent Attorney, European Patent Litigator, Italian Patent Attorney (Consulente in brevetti)

Contact office

Dr. Massimo Galluppi
European Patent Attorney, European Patent Litigator, Italian Patent Attorney (Consulente in brevetti)

Contact info

Landaubogen 1-3, 81373 Munich
Monday - Friday
09:00 - 17.00
+49 89 66068840-0

In addition to obtaining the qualification as European and Italian patent attorney, Massimo also held a Diploma in patent litigation in Europe at the EPI-CEIPI in Strasbourg. Massimo also completed with success an advance course on Intellectual Property Management at the WIPO Academy. Massimo has a large experience with drafting, prosecution and strategic portfolio advice. Also, Massimo has worked on oppositions before the EPO and patent litigation before the Italian Court.

Before joining Dennemeyer & Associates, Massimo spent several years working as an of counsel Patent Attorney for different IP firms located in Germany and Italy handling national and international clients in different fields of technology.


Thorsten Nagl
German lawyer (Rechtsanwalt) located in our Munich office

Contact office

Thorsten Nagl
German lawyer (Rechtsanwalt) located in our Munich office

Contact info

Landaubogen 1-3, 81373 Munich
Monday - Friday
09:00 - 17.00
+49 89 66068840-0

Thorsten Nagl joined Dennemeyer & Associates in March 2023. He advises clients on trademark and design matters worldwide as well as on copyright and litigation.
Prior to joining Dennemeyer & Associates, he gained experience in the fields of intellectual property, especially copyrights and litigation matters throughout Germany.
Thorsten Nagl speaks English and German and has been active in the field of IP since 2009.

Dennemeyer & Associates
Paris, France

Contact office

Contact info

23 Rue Clapeyron
75008 Paris
Monday - Friday
09:00 - 18.00
+ 33 1 553011-30

The French office guarantees premium expertise in anti-counterfeiting. Our French expert spent more than a decade fighting counterfeits worldwide, with an in-depth knowledge of worldwide markets and proceedings and a dedicated international network.

As a business partner, Dennemeyer & Associates France will guide your day-to-day activity in a pragmatic and operational way, from building a strategy to enforcing your IP rights. The team delivers custom applications and other tools available to protect innovations and creations in Europe.




Design Protection


IP Defense



Frederic Blanc

Frédéric Blanc
Managing Director Dennemeyer & Associates France

Frederic Blanc

Frédéric Blanc
Managing Director Dennemeyer & Associates France

Contact office

Frédéric Blanc
Managing Director Dennemeyer & Associates France

Contact info

23 Rue Clapeyron
75008 Paris
Monday - Friday
09:00 - 18.00
+ 33 1 553011-30

Prior to joining Dennemeyer & Associates, Frédéric was a lawyer, trademark and design attorney in various IP firms in Paris. He also held various legal and senior executive positions in the fashion industry, including Deputy IP Director at Lacoste during more than 10 years where he developed a significant experience in Anti-Counterfeiting. In 2015 and 2016, he served as IP Director at A&F in Switzerland.

Frédéric Blanc speaks English and French and has been active in the field of IP since 1991.

Dennemeyer & Associates
Howald, Luxembourg

Contact office

Contact info

55, rue des Bruyères
1274 Howald, Luxembourg
Monday - Friday
09:00 - 17.00
+352 276115-100

The team is specialized from the outset in worldwide registration, defense and valorization of patents, SPCs, trademarks, domains, geographical indications, designs and copyrights. We advise our clients on the application of the IP box regime and provide related services of valuation of rights.




Patent Protection


Design Protection


IP Defense




Stéphane Ambrosini
Managing Director of Dennemeyer & Associates

Olivier Lombardo

Olivier Lombardo
Head of Trademarks Luxembourg

Stephane Speich

Stéphane Speich
European Patent Attorney, European Patent Litigator, Patent, Trademark and Design Attorney

Vanja Nedimovic

Vanja Nedimovic
Trademark and Design Attorney (Benelux), European Trademark and Design Attorney

Pauline Vallortigara

Pauline Vallortigara
Trademark and Design Attorney (EU, BX, FR)

Mathieu Buchkremer

Dr. Mathieu Buchkremer
European Patent Attorney, Belgian Patent Attorney, Luxembourgish Patent Attorney


Stéphane Ambrosini
Managing Director of Dennemeyer & Associates

Contact office

Stéphane Ambrosini
Managing Director of Dennemeyer & Associates

Contact info

55, rue des Bruyères
1274 Howald, Luxembourg
Monday - Friday
09:00 - 17.00
+352 276115-100

With a strong background in early computing technologies, Stéphane entered the field of intellectual property in 2000 as a trainee attorney specializing in drafting and prosecuting software patent applications.

In IP private practice in Great Britain, Ireland and Luxembourg over the last 23 years, he has acted for a wide variety of clients, ranging from Fortune 500 telecoms and software corporates to high-growth digital startups, in patent, trademarks and design matters, from preliminary advice through to conflict resolution.

In that time, Stéphane has developed a deep understanding of client-centric professional IP services, and of the skillsets and organizational frameworks that facilitate their delivery to clients with consistency, quality and added value.

After holding management roles for teams and offices in previous appointments, Stéphane joined Dennemeyer & Associates as Managing Director in July 2023, to leverage his IP expertise and business experience as leadership and direction for Dennemeyer's law firm.

Stéphane speaks French and English and is learning German and Luxembourgish.

Olivier Lombardo

Olivier Lombardo
Head of Trademarks Luxembourg

Contact office

Olivier Lombardo
Head of Trademarks Luxembourg

Contact info

55, rue des Bruyères
1274 Howald, Luxembourg
Monday - Friday
09:00 - 17.00
+352 276115-100

Specialized in trademark and design law, Olivier Lombardo has a wide range of experience in the enforcement of IP rights and the management of major multinational clients’ portfolios in the automobile, fashion and food-processing industries, among others. Lombardo’s experience in dealing with various aspects of the IP law and his strong understanding of the use of trademarks enable him to provide clients with global business-oriented solutions and practice-oriented contracts. Lombardo also represents Dennemeyer & Associates at conferences and seminars and heads the Dennemeyer IP Breakfasts in Luxembourg.

Olivier Lombardo speaks English, German and French and has been active in the field of IP since 2004.

Area of expertise: trademarks, domains, designs, copyrights

Stephane Speich

Stéphane Speich
European Patent Attorney, European Patent Litigator, Patent, Trademark and Design Attorney

Contact office

Stéphane Speich
European Patent Attorney, European Patent Litigator, Patent, Trademark and Design Attorney

Contact info

55, rue des Bruyères
1274 Howald, Luxembourg
Monday - Friday
09:00 - 17.00
+352 276115-100

Active in IP rights since 1999, Stéphane Speich was the Chairman of the Fédération des Conseils en PI au Luxembourg for several years and today he is the treasurer of the AIPPI in Luxembourg. As an EPI tutor at the European level, Speich helps candidates to pass the European Qualifying Examination. As a Patent Attorney, he represents Dennemeyer & Associates S.A. at conferences, seminars and workshops. Author of the book EPC 2000 Guide-Speich dealing with the European Patent Convention, Speich is a known actor in the patent law field.

Speich is a passionate of Ultra-Trail (mountain running race on a distance superior to 100km in one step, like UTMB, Grand Raid de la Réunion, Marathon des sables etc), of Fitness and of Hand-Ball (former sportsman of high-level, former player of a first league club in Strasbourg, six times French champion and selected in the French national team (young players). He is always open to new professional or sportive challenges.

Stéphane Speich speaks English, German and French and has been active in the field of IP since 1999.

Area of expertise: chemistry, biology, engineering, pharmaceuticals, trademarks, designs, patents

Vanja Nedimovic

Vanja Nedimovic
Trademark and Design Attorney (Benelux), European Trademark and Design Attorney

Contact office

Vanja Nedimovic
Trademark and Design Attorney (Benelux), European Trademark and Design Attorney

Contact info

55, rue des Bruyères
1274 Howald, Luxembourg
Monday - Friday
09:00 - 17.00
+352 276115-100

Vanja Nedimovic is a jack of all trades skilled in trademark and design law, international public and private law, anti-counterfeiting. She is a patent attorney, a trademark attorney and a design attorney.

Vanja Nedimovic speaks English, French, Spanish and Serbian and has been active in the field of IP since 2010.

Area of expertise: trademarks, domains, designs, copyrights

Pauline Vallortigara

Pauline Vallortigara
Trademark and Design Attorney (EU, BX, FR)

Contact office

Pauline Vallortigara
Trademark and Design Attorney (EU, BX, FR)

Contact info

55, rue des Bruyères
1274 Howald, Luxembourg
Monday - Friday
09:00 - 17.00
+352 276115-100

Pauline Vallortigara is a Trademark and Design Attorney (EU, BX, FR) at Dennemeyer & Associates and active in Intellectual Property law since 2013. She has acquired experience in different law firms and as IP manager in a company. Her area of expertise is primarily trademark law, design law, domain names and copyright. Currently, she represents and advises clients on all aspects of their Intellectual Property protection strategy, as well as on trademark and design prosecution and enforcement.

Area of expertise: trademarks, domains, designs, copyrights, unfair competition law, contracts, litigation, anti-counterfeiting, strategy and counseling, IP transactions, office proceedings, prosecution and enforcement, IP portfolio management, negotiations

Mathieu Buchkremer

Dr. Mathieu Buchkremer
European Patent Attorney, Belgian Patent Attorney, Luxembourgish Patent Attorney

Contact office

Dr. Mathieu Buchkremer
European Patent Attorney, Belgian Patent Attorney, Luxembourgish Patent Attorney

Contact info

55, rue des Bruyères
1274 Howald, Luxembourg
Monday - Friday
09:00 - 17.00
+352 276115-100

Dr. Mathieu Buchkremer joined Dennemeyer & Associates in Luxembourg as a patent engineer in the fields of mechanics, electronics and software inventions. In addition to extensive experience with drafting and patentability opinions for several companies established in Europe, in Asia and in the United States, Mathieu specializes in optimizing international filing and prosecution strategies before the patent offices. Active in the field of Industrial Property since 2015 and having worked previously with and for different French and Belgian IP law firms, Mathieu regularly supports start-ups in their first development steps. He also advises small and medium-sized enterprises as well as universities and research institutes in their efforts to build up valuable Intellectual Property assets.

Dr. Mathieu Buchkremer speaks English, German and French and has been active in the field of IP since 2015.

Area of expertise: engineering, physics, computer science, patents, mechanics, electronics, strategy and counseling, office proceedings, prosecution and enforcement, IP portfolio management

Dennemeyer & Associates
Rome, Italy

Contact office

Contact info

Via Vincenzo Bellini 20, 00198 Roma RM
Monday - Friday
09:00 - 17.00

Dennemeyer & Associates Italy provides comprehensive assistance in all areas of Industrial and Intellectual Property, assisting Italian and foreign clients in the acquisition, exploitation and enforcement of trademarks, patents, design, copyrights and trade secrets.

Based in Rome, the office brings together highly experienced lawyers and patent attorneys who represent clients before the Italian Patent Office, Italian civil and criminal courts, EPO, WIPO and EUIPO. Dennemeyer & Associates Italy is a recognized leader in assisting companies operating in the biotechnology and life sciences sectors, and it boasts expertise on the IP protection and promotion of Made in Italy excellences.




Patent Protection


Design Protection


IP Defense



Maria Augusta Fioruzzi

Dr. Maria Augusta Fioruzzi
Managing Director De Simone & Partners (Dennemeyer & Associates Italy)

Domenico De Simone

Domenico De Simone
Trademark, Design and Patent Attorney

Massimo Cimoli

Massimo Cimoli
Trademark Attorney

Giovanni Orsoni

Giovanni Orsoni
Trademark Attorney

Lucia Granieri

Lucia Granieri
Trademark Attorney

Filippo Calda

Filippo Calda
IP Litigation Attorney


Maria Paola Pace Napoleone
Patent Attorney

Maria Augusta Fioruzzi

Dr. Maria Augusta Fioruzzi
Managing Director De Simone & Partners (Dennemeyer & Associates Italy)

Contact office

Dr. Maria Augusta Fioruzzi
Managing Director De Simone & Partners (Dennemeyer & Associates Italy)

Contact info

Via Vincenzo Bellini 20, 00198 Roma RM
Monday - Friday
09:00 - 17.00

Maria Augusta Fioruzzi, after graduation as civil engineer, has been active in major Italian IP patent and law firms for over thirty years, focusing on patents and designs, their protection, maintenance and worldwide economic exploitation. During her years as a CEO at De Simone & Partners S.r.l., Maria Augusta Fioruzzi has played a vital role in the developing of strategic priorities and operational planning and execution, creating a rich portfolio of clients ranging from startups to multinationals, and aligning the team of highly experienced professionals.

Specialized in anti-counterfeiting enforcement strategies, Maria Augusta Fioruzzi assists major national and international brands from the fashion, luxury and automotive industries. She regularly participates as appointed Court expert in the field of mechanics and design. A regular speaker at conferences and seminars on Intellectual Property, she also lecturers on a master's degree course for those wishing to qualify as Italian and European patent attorneys.

Maria Augusta Fioruzzi speaks English and Italian and has been active in the field of IP since 1984.

Area of expertise: Engineering, Designs, Patents, Copyrights, Mechanics, Anti-Counterfeiting, Strategy and counseling, Prosecution and enforcement, IP portfolio management, Mentoring and coaching, Project Management, Strategy

Domenico De Simone

Domenico De Simone
Trademark, Design and Patent Attorney

Contact office

Domenico De Simone
Trademark, Design and Patent Attorney

Contact info

Via Vincenzo Bellini 20, 00198 Roma RM
Monday - Friday
09:00 - 17.00

Who’s Who Legal identified Domenico as “a really excellent professional who receives international praise for his expertise in trademark law”. He is the founding partner of De Simone & Partners Spa and De Simone Law Firm. A former President of the European Communities Trademark Association (ECTA), Domenico advises on all aspects of trademark law, from protection to maintenance and enforcement at an Italian and European level. In particular, his work includes the development of strategies in trademark prosecution (TM clearances, filings) and the enforcement of Intellectual Property rights at national and EU level, including trademark, patent, copyright and domain name disputes put before Italian, European and arbitration tribunals.

Domenico represents several multinationals and has a wealth of experience both in litigation and extrajudicial resolution of disputes.
He advises clients on all aspects linked to the economic exploitation of their IP, including the negotiation and drafting of license agreements.
His contribution to the drafting of Italian and European IP laws has been significant, in particular as a member of the IP commissions of “Confindustria”, the General Confederation of Italian industry.

Domenico De Simone speaks English and Italian and has been active in the field of IP since 1972.

Area of expertise: pharmaceuticals, electronics, finance, health, luxury, food & beverage, public services, software

Massimo Cimoli

Massimo Cimoli
Trademark Attorney

Contact office

Massimo Cimoli
Trademark Attorney

Contact info

Via Vincenzo Bellini 20, 00198 Roma RM
Monday - Friday
09:00 - 17.00

Active in the IP field since 1989, with a focus on trademarks and copyright, Massimo assists a variety of clients worldwide in different industries, including major Italian and international oil and gas companies, sports and automotive corporations. A recognised attorney with vast experience, he has been a member of the working group before the Ministry of Industry and the Italian Patent and Trademark Office for the implementation of the revised industrial property code in Italy.

A domain name litigation lawyer, Massimo serves as a panelist on the Arbitration. Commercial Court in Prague for .eu domain name proceedings and since 2017 for gTLD arbitration proceedings. Since 2012 he has been a member of EURID Strategic Committee and in 2015 joined its board of directors. For almost ten years, Massimo has served as a member of the Examination Board for the Trademark Attorney qualification in Italy.

His dedication and efforts in providing valuable advice and guidance to young lawyers, has earned him a richly deserved reputation as a true mentor.

Giovanni Orsoni

Giovanni Orsoni
Trademark Attorney

Contact office

Giovanni Orsoni
Trademark Attorney

Contact info

Via Vincenzo Bellini 20, 00198 Roma RM
Monday - Friday
09:00 - 17.00

Active in the IP field since 2005, Giovanni has worked in London, Venice and Milan with a focus on trademarks, copyrights, domain names, designs, trade secrets and an extensive experience in prosecution, litigation, drafting and negotiation of contracts. In addition, a panelist for the Alternate Dispute Resolution proceedings in the disputes on .eu domain names in the Czech Arbitration Court - Arbitration Center for Internet.

Giovanni provides a comprehensive range of intellectual property law services for Italian and foreign clients in the hospitality, food & beverage, show business, audio, mobility and web sectors, including advising some Italian leading producers of fine spirits, award winning wines and olive oils, coffee, pasta and energy drinks, as well as cultural institutions, entertainment venues, trade fairs and software houses.

Passionate about creative arts and digital technologies, Giovanni keeps a keen eye on the evolution of the big tech, entertainment, media and creative industries, with a focus on the impact of technology on intellectual property issues, and is part of the De Simone Contentious Software team.

Lucia Granieri

Lucia Granieri
Trademark Attorney

Contact office

Lucia Granieri
Trademark Attorney

Contact info

Via Vincenzo Bellini 20, 00198 Roma RM
Monday - Friday
09:00 - 17.00

Lucia Granieri focuses on trademark, design and copyright law, art law, IP & sport, unfair competition, negotiation and drafting of contracts. An IP consultant for national and international sports organisations, Lucia has spoken at several conferences on the protection of IP rights and also lectures on ambush marketing and the protection of Olympic intellectual properties. Attracted by the innovative, commercial, and fast paced environment of IP & Sports, and in particular the ethos of the Olympic Movement, Lucia is very dedicated to this area of IP.

As a specialist lawyer in this field, she provides bespoke and comprehensive advice with reference to all IP matters, both at national and international level. She is also an expert in Italian & EU administrative proceedings before UIBM and EUIPO and ADRs for domain name disputes. Passionate about art and design, Lucia is a great supporter of female innovation in all areas of the art & design community.

Lucia Granieri speaks English and Italian and has been active in the field of IP since 2010.

Area of expertise: designs, Arts & Entertainment, Sports, FAS

Filippo Calda

Filippo Calda
IP Litigation Attorney

Contact office

Filippo Calda
IP Litigation Attorney

Contact info

Via Vincenzo Bellini 20, 00198 Roma RM
Monday - Friday
09:00 - 17.00

With a focus on patent, trademark, copyright and design contracts and litigation in Italy, as well as the development of EU and Chinese litigation strategies, Filippo advises clients on complex litigation cases.
With his vast knowledge of the Chinese market, he has also contributed to the development of strategies related to the filing and enforcement of Intellectual Property rights in China. Filippo has a deep understanding of the issues surrounding the protection and commercialisation of Intellectual Property in the area of software.
Filippo is the author of several publications and regularly participates as a speaker at various IP conferences.

Filippo Calda speaks English and Italian and has been active in the field of IP since 2007.

Area of expertise: designs, food & beverage, software, fashion and luxury, Asian market (China)


Maria Paola Pace Napoleone
Patent Attorney

Contact office

Maria Paola Pace Napoleone
Patent Attorney

Contact info

Via Vincenzo Bellini 20, 00198 Roma RM
Monday - Friday
09:00 - 17.00

Paola has focused primarily on filing and prosecuting procedures for patent applications in the fields of life sciences and chemistry in general.

Before joining the IP sector, she spent about 20 years as a researcher in academic labs and in industry, both big pharma and CRO. As a medicinal chemist, she was part of teams working on antiviral, anticancer and cardiovascular drug discovery projects and delivering two approved drugs to the patients. She further acquired experience in the Scientific Project Management for integrated and multi-stakeholders research projects. She is author of over 40 scientific publications and inventor in 7 patent families.

She deals with procedures relating to national, European and other foreign patents, provides patentability, infringement, FtO and due diligence opinions. She also gained technical-legal experience for assisting clients in drafting and analyzing license agreements, term-sheets, confidentiality agreements, material transfer agreements and the like.

Maria Paola Pace Napoleone speaks English and Italian and has been active in the field of IP since 2011.
Area of expertise: chemistry, life sciences, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, biotechnology, nanotechnology

Dennemeyer & Associates
Brasov, Romania

Contact office

Contact info

Str. Aurel Vlaicu 94
500178 Brasov, Romania
Monday - Friday
09:00 - 17.00
+40 268 412979

Our IP attorneys in Romania work in the international IP environment on a day-to-day basis. Local expertise, combined with international exposure and practice, offers our clients the latest trends and strategies in the global IP sector applied to the local legislative and institutional setup.




Patent Protection


Design Protection


IP Defense



Raluca Judele

Raluca Judele
Managing Director of Dennemeyer & Associates, European Trademark Attorney & Patent Attorney (RO)

Sofia Berde

Sofia Berde
Patent Attorney (RO)

Adrian Truța

Adrian Truța
European Trademark Attorney

Razvan Stana

Răzvan Stana
European Trademark Attorney & Patent Attorney (RO)

Cosmin Stana

Cosmin Stana
European Trademark Attorney & Patent Attorney (RO)

Anca Gheorghiu

Anca Gheorghiu
European Trademark Attorney & Patent Attorney (RO)

Ioana Crisan

Ioana Crișan
European Trademark Attorney

Laura Suciu

Laura Suciu
European Trademark Attorney

Dragos Corochii

Dragoș Corochii
Trademark Attorney Moldova

Sanda Sarau

Sanda Sarău
European Trademark Attorney & Patent Attorney (RO)

Paula Vizitiu

Paula Vizitiu
European Trademark Attorney

Raluca Judele

Raluca Judele
Managing Director of Dennemeyer & Associates, European Trademark Attorney & Patent Attorney (RO)

Contact office

Raluca Judele
Managing Director of Dennemeyer & Associates, European Trademark Attorney & Patent Attorney (RO)

Contact info

Str. Aurel Vlaicu 94
500178 Brasov, Romania
Monday - Friday
09:00 - 17.00
+40 268 412979

Since joining Dennemeyer in 2011, Raluca Judele has been holding various leadership roles focused on IP and management. She is the Global Head of International Recordals department and is responsible for client relations, pricing, team performance and oversight, including managing the department’s day to day operations.

Since March 2014, she is leading the Romanian subsidiary of Dennemeyer & Associates. As Director, she is applying her legal and business experience to provide leadership, organization and operation of the company with maximum efficiency by developing strategies, identifying opportunities, hiring financial, technological and human resources. Her focus is to ensure and support continued growth of the global IP law firm.

In 2015, Raluca Judele took over the management of Dennemeyer’s network of local agents. As Global Head of Agent Relationship Management, she is responsible for streamlining and developing relations with the agents from developing and consolidating the existing cooperation to identifying new local associates.

Starting from July 2023 Raluca Judele is Managing Director of Dennemeyer & Associates

Raluca Judele is a Member of Board of Directors for Dennemeyer S&A.

She speaks English, French and Romanian and has been active in the field of IP since 2011.

Sofia Berde

Sofia Berde
Patent Attorney (RO)

Contact office

Sofia Berde
Patent Attorney (RO)

Contact info

Str. Aurel Vlaicu 94
500178 Brasov, Romania
Monday - Friday
09:00 - 17.00
+40 268 412979

Sofia Berde started her career in IP in 2000, joining Dennemeyer & Associates in 2011 as a Patent Attorney. She is mainly responsible for all the communications with the Romanian State Office for Inventions and Trademarks (OSIM). Sofia Berde has a Bachelor Degree in Chemical Engineering and has previously worked as a Patent Examiner for the State Office for Inventions and Trademarks.

Sofia Berde speaks English, Romanian and Hungarian and has been active in the field of IP since 2000.

Area of expertise: chemistry, patents

Adrian Truța

Adrian Truța
European Trademark Attorney

Contact office

Adrian Truța
European Trademark Attorney

Contact info

Str. Aurel Vlaicu 94
500178 Brasov, Romania
Monday - Friday
09:00 - 17.00
+40 268 412979

Adrian Truța started working at Dennemeyer & Associates in 2011. As a European Trademark Attorney, working with professionals in different areas from all over the world, Adrian gained a vast experience on trademark matters focusing mainly on pharmaceuticals.

Adrian Truța speaks English and Romanian and has been active in the field of IP since 2011.

Area of expertise: trademarks, domains

Razvan Stana

Răzvan Stana
European Trademark Attorney & Patent Attorney (RO)

Contact office

Răzvan Stana
European Trademark Attorney & Patent Attorney (RO)

Contact info

Str. Aurel Vlaicu 94
500178 Brasov, Romania
Monday - Friday
09:00 - 17.00
+40 268 412979

Răzvan Stana is a registered European Trademark and Design Attorney and Patent Attorney (RO). He joined Dennemeyer & Associates in 2013 and currently holds the position of Head of International Recordals. Răzvan Stana handles daily Recordals matters, additionally to streamlining workflows and communication with clients.

Răzvan Stana speaks English, Spanish and Romanian and has been active in the field of IP since 2013.

Area of expertise: trademarks, designs, patents, mechanics

Cosmin Stana

Cosmin Stana
European Trademark Attorney & Patent Attorney (RO)

Contact office

Cosmin Stana
European Trademark Attorney & Patent Attorney (RO)

Contact info

Str. Aurel Vlaicu 94
500178 Brasov, Romania
Monday - Friday
09:00 - 17.00
+40 268 412979

Cosmin Stana joined Dennemeyer & Associates in 2012 as an IP specialist. He took the role of Head of International Recordals, where he oversees both client relations and activities of the entire department. Cosmin Stana is a registered European Trademark and Design Attorney, while also being registered as a Patent Attorney in Romania, thus having the qualifications to consult in all matters aforementioned.

Cosmin Stana speaks English and Romanian and has been active in the field of IP since 2012.

Area of expertise: trademarks, designs, patents, mechanics

Anca Gheorghiu

Anca Gheorghiu
European Trademark Attorney & Patent Attorney (RO)

Contact office

Anca Gheorghiu
European Trademark Attorney & Patent Attorney (RO)

Contact info

Str. Aurel Vlaicu 94
500178 Brasov, Romania
Monday - Friday
09:00 - 17.00
+40 268 412979

Anca Gheorghiu joined Dennemeyer & Associates in September 2010 as IP Specialist in the International Recordals Department, handling recordals projects worldwide for Dennemeyer clients. In June 2012, she became responsible for establishing Dennemeyer IP Solutions in Romania and has been the company's Director since. In 2015 she took on the role of Head of Trademarks Romania of the law firm handling all trademark-related matters in Romania.

Anca Gheorghiu speaks English and Romanian and has been active in the field of IP since 2010.

Ioana Crisan

Ioana Crișan
European Trademark Attorney

Contact office

Ioana Crișan
European Trademark Attorney

Contact info

Str. Aurel Vlaicu 94
500178 Brasov, Romania
Monday - Friday
09:00 - 17.00
+40 268 412979

Ioana Crișan started working at Dennemeyer & Associates in 2012. Ioana Crișan is a European Trademark Attorney and handles trademark prosecution in the field of medical research.

Ioana Crișan speaks English, French and Romanian and has been active in the field of IP since 2012.

Area of expertise: trademarks, patents

Laura Suciu

Laura Suciu
European Trademark Attorney

Contact office

Laura Suciu
European Trademark Attorney

Contact info

Str. Aurel Vlaicu 94
500178 Brasov, Romania
Monday - Friday
09:00 - 17.00
+40 268 412979

Laura Suciu began her career in Intellectual Property in 2011 at Dennemeyer & Associates, Brasov office. As a European Trademark Attorney, she has gained experience in the field of oppositions and cancellation proceedings before the EUIPO, consulting clients from the pharmaceutical, technological and automotive fields. At present, she is Coordinator of the Trademark Prosecution Team in Romania.

Laura Suciu speaks English, German, French and Romanian and has been active in the field of IP since 2011.

Area of expertise: trademarks, designs

Dragos Corochii

Dragoș Corochii
Trademark Attorney Moldova

Contact office

Dragoș Corochii
Trademark Attorney Moldova

Contact info

Str. Aurel Vlaicu 94
500178 Brasov, Romania
Monday - Friday
09:00 - 17.00
+40 268 412979

Dragos Corochii is a novice Intellectual Property Attorney that possesses legal, administrative, operational and analytical expertise. He is focused on the patent law field and assists clients with registering inventions in the EPO member states, especially Romania. Leading a team in the EP Validation Department offered Dragos considerable experience in management and team development. His long term aspiration is to obtain the EPO/OSIM and EUIPO certifications.

Dragoș Corochii speaks English, Russian and Romanian and has been active in the field of IP since 2016.

Area of expertise: trademarks, designs, patents, copyrights, IP portfolio management

Sanda Sarau

Sanda Sarău
European Trademark Attorney & Patent Attorney (RO)

Contact office

Sanda Sarău
European Trademark Attorney & Patent Attorney (RO)

Contact info

Str. Aurel Vlaicu 94
500178 Brasov, Romania
Monday - Friday
09:00 - 17.00
+40 268 412979

Since joining Dennemeyer & Associates in 2011, Sanda Sărau has gained extensive experience working in different departments of the IP law firm. In two years’ time, she took on the role of coordinator of the EP Validations department. As of March 2018, Sanda Sarău is Coordinator of both EP Validations and PCT Nationalizations Departments.

Sanda Sarău speaks English, French and Romanian and has been active in the field of IP since 2011.

Area of expertise: trademarks, designs, patents, mechanics

Paula Vizitiu

Paula Vizitiu
European Trademark Attorney

Contact office

Paula Vizitiu
European Trademark Attorney

Contact info

Str. Aurel Vlaicu 94
500178 Brasov, Romania
Monday - Friday
09:00 - 17.00
+40 268 412979

Paula Vizitiu joined Dennemeyer & Associates in 2011 as an IP specialist in the International Recordals Department. Since 2013, she extended her practices to US Trademark in the field of Renewals and Recordals. Paula Vizitiu currently coordinates the Trademarks and Designs Filling Team in Romania, additionally to managing trademark counseling, preparation and prosecution in front of the Romanian State Office for Inventions and Trademarks (OSIM).

Paula Vizitiu speaks English and Romanian and has been active in the field of IP since 2011.

Area of expertise: trademarks, designs

Dennemeyer & Associates
Warsaw, Poland

Contact office

Contact info

ul. Swarzewska 57/1
01-821 Warsaw
Monday - Friday
09:00 - 17.00
+48 22 865 62 90

Dennemeyer & Associates office in Poland fosters an international spirit, local practice experience and local prices. The Polish team is located in Warsaw and provides advice on all IP matters. Each patent and trademark attorney in the office has more than 15 years of experience in IP.

Our attorneys are authorized to represent clients directly before the Polish Patent Office, EPO, WIPO, EUIPO, Polish administrative and civil courts. Moreover, the office leverages the excellent knowledge of an expert in industrial property, particularly trademarks, who has participated, among others, in the settlement of disputes, including oppositions and appeals for reconsideration as an expert in the Polish Patent Office.




Patent Protection


Design Protection


IP Defense



Monika Stepien

Monika Stępień
Managing Director Dennemeyer & Associates Sp. z.o.o. Poland

Joanna Kowalewska

Joanna Kowalewska
Patent and Trademark Attorney, Poland, European Patent, Trademark and Design Attorney

Monika Stepien

Monika Stępień
Managing Director Dennemeyer & Associates Sp. z.o.o. Poland

Contact office

Monika Stępień
Managing Director Dennemeyer & Associates Sp. z.o.o. Poland

Contact info

ul. Swarzewska 57/1
01-821 Warsaw
Monday - Friday
09:00 - 17.00
+48 22 865 62 90

Monika Stępień started her work in the field of IP in 2005 when she joined one of the first private IP law office in Poland. During her practice in the field of IP she handled various case types dealing with trademarks and industrial designs. She gained experience in trademark and industrial design filings, searches, prosecution as well as IP strategical consulting, infringement proceedings, IP contracts and negotiations.

Monika Stępień joined Dennemeyer & Associates in 2010 and was responsible with establishing the Polish office of Dennemeyer & Associates, creating company structure, building a team and developing local business.

Monika Stępień speaks English and Polish and has been active in the field of IP since 2005.

Joanna Kowalewska

Joanna Kowalewska
Patent and Trademark Attorney, Poland, European Patent, Trademark and Design Attorney

Contact office

Joanna Kowalewska
Patent and Trademark Attorney, Poland, European Patent, Trademark and Design Attorney

Contact info

ul. Swarzewska 57/1
01-821 Warsaw
Monday - Friday
09:00 - 17.00
+48 22 865 62 90

Joanna Kowalewska started her work in IP field in 1998 and after three-year training she became a patent and trademark attorney admitted to the bar of Polish Patent and Trademark Attorneys. In 2004 Kowalewska was qualified as a European patent attorney and she became a Professional Representative before the EUIPO. During her practice in the field of IP, Kowalewska participated in various case types dealing with trademarks, industrial designs, patents and utility models. The field of her practice encompasses trademark searches and filings, IP strategical consulting, industrial design filings and prosecution, PCT national phases, EP patent validations in many technical fields, including chemistry and mechanics, infringement/litigation proceedings connected with trademarks, designs and patents.

Joanna Kowalewska speaks English and Polish and has been active in the field of IP since 1998.

Area of expertise: biology, animal science, trademarks, designs, patents

Dennemeyer & Associates
Zagreb, Croatia

Contact office

Contact info

Law Firm Hadžija & Associates in cooperation with Dennemeyer & Associates S.A.

BCI – Business Center International – 1st Floor
Miramarska Cesta 24, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Monday - Friday
09:00 - 17.00
+385 1 3836 208

Our Croatian office is set up to act as a single point of contact for cases in Croatia and eight neighboring southeast European countries, even in urgent situations. Consisting of 16 members, the Croatian office is among the largest regional law firms specializing in IP.




Patent Protection



Tomislav Hadzija

Tomislav Hadzija
Managing Director Dennemeyer & Associates Croatia

Slavica Tomsic Skoda

Slavica Tomsic Skoda
Patent Agent


Lionel Parisot
European Trademark and Design Attorney (EM, HR)


Nina Kolar
European Trademark and Design Attorney (EM, HR)

Tomislav Hadzija

Tomislav Hadzija
Managing Director Dennemeyer & Associates Croatia

Contact office

Tomislav Hadzija
Managing Director Dennemeyer & Associates Croatia

Contact info

Law Firm Hadžija & Associates in cooperation with Dennemeyer & Associates S.A.

BCI – Business Center International – 1st Floor
Miramarska Cesta 24, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Monday - Friday
09:00 - 17.00
+385 1 3836 208

Tomislav Hadzija is currently managing Dennemeyer & Associates operations in West Balkan countries. In his role as head of the Croatian office, Tomislav handles various trademark and patent prosecution matters for foreign and domestic clients before the Croatia IP office and various regional IP matters. In addition, in his role as a Trademark Attorney within Dennemeyer & Associates, Tomislav is currently acting as main Global International Trademark Counsel for a multinational pharmaceutical company.

Tomislav Hadzija speaks English, German and Croatian and has been active in the field of IP since 2005.

Slavica Tomsic Skoda

Slavica Tomsic Skoda
Patent Agent

Contact office

Slavica Tomsic Skoda
Patent Agent

Contact info

Law Firm Hadžija & Associates in cooperation with Dennemeyer & Associates S.A.

BCI – Business Center International – 1st Floor
Miramarska Cesta 24, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Monday - Friday
09:00 - 17.00
+385 1 3836 208

Slavica Tomsic Skoda is a Patent Attorney within Dennemeyer & Associates Croatia team assisting attorneys in Dennemeyer & Associates Munich and Dennemeyer & Associates Luxembourg. She is chemist by background and has over 10 years of experience in the area of IP. Before joining Dennemeyer & Associates 2017, she was working for multinational pharmaceutical companies and research institutes.

Slavica Tomisc Skoda speaks English and Croatian and has been active in the field of IP since 2004.

Area of expertise: chemistry, pharmaceuticals, patents


Lionel Parisot
European Trademark and Design Attorney (EM, HR)

Contact office

Lionel Parisot
European Trademark and Design Attorney (EM, HR)

Contact info

Law Firm Hadžija & Associates in cooperation with Dennemeyer & Associates S.A.

BCI – Business Center International – 1st Floor
Miramarska Cesta 24, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Monday - Friday
09:00 - 17.00
+385 1 3836 208

Lionel Parisot is a registered European Trademark and Design Attorney (EM, HR), with a law degree (master of law) from the University of Zagreb. As part of the Croatian office, he handles various trademark and patent prosecution matters for foreign and domestic clients before the Croatian IP office and various regional IP matters, as well as provides legal support to other Dennemeyer offices.

Lionel Parisot speaks English, French and Croatian and has been active in the field of IP since 2017.

Area of expertise: trademarks, designs, office proceedings


Nina Kolar
European Trademark and Design Attorney (EM, HR)

Contact office

Nina Kolar
European Trademark and Design Attorney (EM, HR)

Contact info

Law Firm Hadžija & Associates in cooperation with Dennemeyer & Associates S.A.

BCI – Business Center International – 1st Floor
Miramarska Cesta 24, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Monday - Friday
09:00 - 17.00
+385 1 3836 208

Nina Kolar is a registered European Trademark and Design Attorney (EM, HR), with a law degree (master of law) from the University of Zagreb, and a Master of Intellectual Property Law and Management from CEIPI of the University of Strasbourg. As part of the Croatian office, she handles various trademark and patent prosecution matters for foreign and domestic clients before the Croatian IP office and various regional IP matters, as well as provides legal support to other Dennemeyer offices.

Nina Kolar speaks English, German, French and Croatian and has been active in the field of IP since 2017.

Area of expertise: trademarks, designs, office proceedings, IP portfolio management

Dennemeyer & Associates
Chicago, United States

Contact office

Contact info

230 W Monroe, Ste. 2100
Chicago, IL 60606
Monday - Friday
09:00 - 17.00
+1 312 380 6500




Patent Protection


Design Protection


IP Defense



Daniel Gurfinkel

Daniel Gurfinkel
U.S. Attorney at Law, Registered U.S. Patent Attorney

Daniel Gurfinkel

Daniel Gurfinkel
U.S. Attorney at Law, Registered U.S. Patent Attorney

Contact office

Daniel Gurfinkel
U.S. Attorney at Law, Registered U.S. Patent Attorney

Contact info

230 W Monroe, Ste. 2100
Chicago, IL 60606
Monday - Friday
09:00 - 17.00
+1 312 380 6500

Daniel Gurfinkel's extensive expertise of more than 25 years in the field of IP ranges from mechanics to electronics and trademark law. Daniel Gurfinkel speaks English and Spanish and has been active in the field of IP since 1989.

Area of expertise: trademarks, patents, mechanics, electronics

Dennemeyer & Associates
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Contact office

Contact info

Avenida Nilo Peçanha 50/1401
20020-906 Rio de Janeiro RJ Brazil
Monday - Friday
09:00 - 17.00
+55 21 98171 7076 (direct) / +55 21 2215 9550




Patent Protection


Design Protection


IP Defense



Claudio Szabas

Claudio Szabas
Managing Director Dennemeyer & Associates Brazil


Evandro Leite
Patent Attorney located in our offices in Rio de Janeiro


Edilane Carvalho de Abreu
Patent Engineer located in our offices in Rio de Janeiro

Claudio Szabas

Claudio Szabas
Managing Director Dennemeyer & Associates Brazil

Contact office

Claudio Szabas
Managing Director Dennemeyer & Associates Brazil

Contact info

Avenida Nilo Peçanha 50/1401
20020-906 Rio de Janeiro RJ Brazil
Monday - Friday
09:00 - 17.00
+55 21 98171 7076 (direct) / +55 21 2215 9550

Claudio Szabas, co-founder and former partner of ASPEBY-SZABAS Industrial Property, has over 30 years experience in providing legal guidance in the obtainment and enforcement of patents, trademarks and designs in Brazil and other Latin American countries. With a technical background in industrial controls and electronic engineering by the Universidad Tecnológica Nacional of Argentina and IP related courses in Germany like Einführung in die Gentechnologie und Schutz mikrobiologischer Erfindungen (Introduction into Genetic Technology and Protection of Microbiological Inventions), he is registered to practice with the Brazilian PTO (INPI) and to act before the IPEA’s on behalf of BR PCT applicants.

Claudio Szabas worked for the engineering department of AEG Telefunken and Siemens in Argentina and in Brazil with Johnson Controls’ branch, an automation consulting firm representing US control device manufacturers merging products, engineering services and innovative technology.

Technical field includes automation and control engineering, telecom engineering, green technologies, medical devices, biotechnology.

Claudio Szabas speaks English, German, Portuguese, and Spanish and has been active in IP associations such as AIPLA, AIPPI, VPP, GRUR and APAA.


Evandro Leite
Patent Attorney located in our offices in Rio de Janeiro

Contact office

Evandro Leite
Patent Attorney located in our offices in Rio de Janeiro

Contact info

Avenida Nilo Peçanha 50/1401
20020-906 Rio de Janeiro RJ Brazil
Monday - Friday
09:00 - 17.00
+55 21 98171 7076 (direct) / +55 21 2215 9550

Evandro Leite started his career as an intern at Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office (INPI). Before joining Dennemeyer & Associates, he spent several years working for different IP firms located in Brazil handling national and international clients in different fields of technology, covering all aspects related to the prosecution of patent applications at INPI.

Evandro Leite speaks English, French and Portuguese and has been active in the field of IP since 1999.

Area of expertise: chemistry, engineering, life sciences, pharmaceuticals, patents, mechanics, strategy and counseling, IP portfolio management


Edilane Carvalho de Abreu
Patent Engineer located in our offices in Rio de Janeiro

Contact office

Edilane Carvalho de Abreu
Patent Engineer located in our offices in Rio de Janeiro

Contact info

Avenida Nilo Peçanha 50/1401
20020-906 Rio de Janeiro RJ Brazil
Monday - Friday
09:00 - 17.00
+55 21 98171 7076 (direct) / +55 21 2215 9550

Before joining Dennemeyer & Associates, Edilane worked at Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office (BRPTO) and also in environmental projects related to water and air pollution treatments.

Her practice focuses on patent prosecution, reporting and filing responses to Office Actions, advice on and preparing PPH, Green Patents and other expedited examination procedures, representing national and international clients before BRPTO.

Area of expertise: chemistry, engineering, life sciences, pharmaceuticals, patents, IP portfolio management

Dennemeyer & Associates
Melbourne, Australia

Contact office

Contact info

Level 14 330 Collins St,
Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia
Monday - Friday
09:00 - 17:00
+61 3 8658 6090

We are passionate about simplifying IP for our clients. Our team has decades of experience in searching and filing patents and trademarks in Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific islands while also boosting vast expertise in examination, opposition and registration. We provide efficient but flexible services focused on our clients’ business needs.




Patent Protection


Design Protection


IP Defense



Geordie Oldfield

Geordie Oldfield
Managing Director Dennemeyer & Associates Australia Pty Ltd. Patent and Trademarks Attorney

Sandi Forman

Sandi Forman
Trademarks Attorney

John Walker

John Walker

Geordie Oldfield

Geordie Oldfield
Managing Director Dennemeyer & Associates Australia Pty Ltd. Patent and Trademarks Attorney

Contact office

Geordie Oldfield
Managing Director Dennemeyer & Associates Australia Pty Ltd. Patent and Trademarks Attorney

Contact info

Level 14 330 Collins St,
Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia
Monday - Friday
09:00 - 17:00
+61 3 8658 6090

Geordie Oldfield is a registered Patent and Trademarks Attorney and Australian lawyer. He holds a Science degree with Honours in Chemistry and a Master of Laws. In addition to working with a large Australian IP firm, Geordie Oldfield previously worked within the European head office of an international pharmaceutical company. His current and diverse practice includes pharmaceutical trade mark and patent matters.

Geordie Oldfield speaks English and French and has been active in the field of IP since 2002.

Area of expertise: chemistry, engineering

Sandi Forman

Sandi Forman
Trademarks Attorney

Contact office

Sandi Forman
Trademarks Attorney

Contact info

Level 14 330 Collins St,
Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia
Monday - Friday
09:00 - 17:00
+61 3 8658 6090

Sandi Forman has expertise that spans all areas of trademark practice, including searching and watching services, filing and prosecution of trademark applications in Australia and overseas, providing registrability and infringement advice, assisting with the protection and enforcement of trademarks, including drafting letters of demand and co-existence agreements, handling oppositions and removal non-use actions including drafting of evidence and arranging assignment recordals. Over the years Sandi has dealt with an extensive network of foreign associates on a regular basis and she is familiar with many aspects of trademark practice and law in other countries. She has extensive experience in managing large global trademark portfolios and is qualified to practice in Australia and New Zealand.

Sandi Forman speaks English and has been active in the field of IP since 1988.

Area of expertise: trademarks, IP transactions, office proceedings, prosecution and enforcement, IP portfolio management

John Walker

John Walker

Contact office

John Walker

Contact info

Level 14 330 Collins St,
Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia
Monday - Friday
09:00 - 17:00
+61 3 8658 6090

John Walker is an experienced Australian patent attorney specialized in patent and trademark prosecution in Australia. He holds degrees in engineering, economics and IP law, and has vast experience in patent and trademark prosecution. John Walker specializes in energy technology, environmental and materials engineering, and assists Australian clients in filings, prosecutions and has a particular interest in IP strategy.

John Walker speaks English and Chinese and has been active in the field of IP since 1981.

Area of expertise: engineering, physics, electronics

Dennemeyer & Associates
Tokyo, Japan

Contact office

Contact info

Landaubogen 1-3, 81373 Munich
P.O. box: 70 04 25, 81304 Munich
Monday - Friday
09:00 - 17:00
+49 89 66068840-0
Hulic Mita Bldg. 6F, 5-25-11 Shiba
Minato-ku, Tokyo, 108-0014
Monday - Friday
09:00 - 17:00
+81 3 6453 9369

The Japanese patent attorney (qualified in both JPO and EPO) is ready to handle your European cases in Japanese. The central team is located in Munich and works with a European fee structure.




Patent Protection


Design Protection


IP Defense



Kazuya Sekiguchi

Kazuya Sekiguchi
Patent Attorney (Japan), European Patent Attorney

Kazuya Sekiguchi

Kazuya Sekiguchi
Patent Attorney (Japan), European Patent Attorney

Contact office

Kazuya Sekiguchi
Patent Attorney (Japan), European Patent Attorney

Contact info

Landaubogen 1-3, 81373 Munich
P.O. box: 70 04 25, 81304 Munich
Monday - Friday
09:00 - 17:00
+49 89 66068840-0

Kazuya Sekiguchi is a Japanese and European patent attorney, working at the Dennemeyer & Associates Munich office. He drafts patent/utility model applications, prepares responses to office actions, handles oppositions, and conducts appeals in front of the Japan Patent Office (JPO) and the European Patent Office (EPO). He also handles Japanese Trademark matters, such as filing applications, oppositions, and cancellation trials in front of the JPO. A qualified patent attorney for both the JPO and the EPO, he can handle Japanese and European cases directly and independently. Although several Japanese patent attorneys are working in Europe, there are only a few like Sekiguchi who can handle Japanese cases directly.

Kazuya Sekiguchi speaks English and Japanese and has been active in the field of IP since 2004.

Area of expertise: chemistry, biology, pharmaceuticals, patents

Dennemeyer & Associates
Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Contact office

Contact info

Al Mustaqbal Street, Business Bay, Regal Tower, Office 608, Dubai
P.O. Box 118156
Monday- Thursday
09:00 - 17:00
09:00 - 12:00
+971 (0) 4430 3943

The Dubai office is Dennemeyer & Associates’ hub in MENA. Our German management and qualified local team offer all aspects of IPR filing and prosecution in the region, including searching, drafting, portfolio management, strategic defense, anti-counterfeiting and evaluations.




Patent Protection


Design Protection


IP Defense



Jan Wrede

Jan Wrede
Managing Director Dennemeyer & Associates UAE

Shaukat Ali

Shaukat Ali
Trademark Lawyer

Jan Wrede

Jan Wrede
Managing Director Dennemeyer & Associates UAE

Contact office

Jan Wrede
Managing Director Dennemeyer & Associates UAE

Contact info

Al Mustaqbal Street, Business Bay, Regal Tower, Office 608, Dubai
P.O. Box 118156
Monday- Thursday
09:00 - 17:00
09:00 - 12:00
+971 (0) 4430 3943

Admitted to the bar in Germany and Italy, Jan Wrede practiced IP law between 1996-2013 with two major Italian IP patent & law firms and, in 2014, he opened the Dennemeyer Dubai Office, focusing on IP in the whole MENA region. He is also registered Arbitrator with DIFC (Dubai), GCC CAC (Bahrain), KCAC (Kuwait) and SCCA (Saudi Arabia). Between 1999-2008, Jan Wrede was a lecturer at the ETH Zurich Master in IP and still is a frequent speaker at IP conferences and universities.

Jan Wrede speaks English, German and Italian and has been active in the field of IP since 1996.

Area of expertise: IP portfolio management

Shaukat Ali

Shaukat Ali
Trademark Lawyer

Contact office

Shaukat Ali
Trademark Lawyer

Contact info

Al Mustaqbal Street, Business Bay, Regal Tower, Office 608, Dubai
P.O. Box 118156
Monday- Thursday
09:00 - 17:00
09:00 - 12:00
+971 (0) 4430 3943

After completing his law studies in Pakistan in 2017, Shaukat Ali gained initial experience in a law firm in Pakistan. He also worked with the IP Protection team of Oxford University Press (Pakistan Branch). Shaukat Ali joined Dennemeyer’s Dubai office in 2019. He is now part of the trademark and legal departments and the agent relationship management team for the MENA region.

Shaukat Ali speaks English and Urdu and has been active in the field of IP since 2013.

Area of expertise: corporate law, trademarks, copyrights, contracts, litigation, anti-counterfeiting, IP transactions, IP portfolio management

Dennemeyer & Associates
Johannesburg, South Africa

Contact office

Contact info

Dennemeyer & Associates ZA
Office F8; 26 Sturdee Avenue, Rosebank, 2196 Johannesburg.
Monday - Friday
09:00 - 17:00
+27 10 056 2560

The South African team offers high-quality patent, trademark and design filing, prosecution, maintenance and enforcement services. The attorneys specialize in university portfolios, technology, all aspects of branding and assisting South African firms to expand their international IP protection.

The team has a trademark attorney in Luxembourg who can consult European clients face to face on any matter concerning Intellectual Property law. Also, the South African team acted in several soft IP contentious matters, including a dispute concerning the labeling of packaging. The office has also developed a patent drafting service on all relevant fields through a network of several consultants.




Patent Protection


Design Protection


IP Defense



Robyn-Leigh Merry

Robyn-Leigh Merry
Partner at Dennemeyer & Associates South Africa, Patent Attorney

Robyn-Leigh Merry

Robyn-Leigh Merry
Partner at Dennemeyer & Associates South Africa, Patent Attorney

Contact office

Robyn-Leigh Merry
Partner at Dennemeyer & Associates South Africa, Patent Attorney

Contact info

Dennemeyer & Associates ZA
Office F8; 26 Sturdee Avenue, Rosebank, 2196 Johannesburg.
Monday - Friday
09:00 - 17:00
+27 10 056 2560

Robyn-Leigh Merry has experience in contentious and non-contentious IP matters. She holds a law degree (LLB) from the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg and has a technical background in molecular and cellular biology. Robyn is registered to practice as a patent attorney before the South African Patent Office and as a notary public in the High Court of South Africa. From 2008 to 2014 Robyn worked in mainstream legal practice before taking an in-house position in technology transfer at the University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg.

Robyn-Leigh Merry speaks English and has been active in the field of IP since 2008.

Area of expertise: biology, designs, patents, copyrights, contracts, litigation

Quality principles

Precision and effectiveness

The IP law firm assists clients across all life cycle stages of IP rights with a worldwide network of highly experienced patent and trademark professionals.

Principle integrity


To become your partner of choice for all aspects of IP law, worldwide.

To become your partner of choice for all aspects of IP law, worldwide.

Principle quality


We strive to provide the most innovative, high-quality and client-oriented IP law services on a global scale. 

We strive to provide the most innovative, high-quality and client-oriented IP law services on a global scale. 

Principle trust


Trust and respect

We value trust and respect in all interactions with clients and the environment.

We value trust and respect in all interactions with clients and the environment.

Principle quality service


Integrity and high-quality service

We believe in fair play, embracing different cultures and integrity in doing business, as this is the best way to achieve excellent service quality.

We believe in fair play, embracing different cultures and integrity in doing business, as this is the best way to achieve excellent service quality.

Principle excellence

Goals & Objectives

Excellence and long-term relationships

At Dennemeyer & Associates, we endeavor to generate value for our clients by working collaboratively with all stakeholders, whether it be employees, clients or providers, and in their best interests. Our main goal is to forge reliable, steady and long-term business relationships.

At Dennemeyer & Associates, we endeavor to generate value for our clients by working collaboratively with all stakeholders, whether it be employees, clients or providers, and in their best interests. Our main goal is to forge reliable, steady and long-term business relationships.

Legal experts

Dennemeyer & Associates is a leading international IP law firm specialized in the strategic protection of patents, trademarks and designs.

Our Intellectual Property lawyers advise on trademark and design matters, and our technical expertise in patent matters covers physics, chemistry, biochemistry, pharmacy, computer science, mechanical and electrical engineering.

Meet our team
Legal experts


Global IP law firm services

Dennemeyer & Associates is a leading international IP law firm specialized in the strategic protection of patents, trademarks and designs.


Worldwide coverage

We cover many jurisdictions directly through our own offices and qualified attorneys. In all other jurisdictions, we practice through our well-established network of local associates.



Through our ever-expanding group of offices, we offer IP services globally, covering the most important jurisdictions.


Comprehensive IP management

We use DIAMS iQ throughout our offices, ensuring information sharing and uniform procedures. Clients can access their portfolios online, at no charge, creating high transparency on the work we perform for our clients.

Dennemeyer & Associates: 5 years in Africa

The 5-year anniversary of our Dennemeyer Africa Practice marks an important milestone for our office in Africa. Congratulations to Christophe van Zyl, Robyn Merry and the entire team for building Dennemeyer in South Africa and across the African continent and helping it thrive. With great pride in what we have achieved, I look forward to the continued growth of our African Practice, as it represents an important cornerstone of our global strategy.

Explore Dennemeyer Africa
African city landscape

Contact us

What can we do for you?

Send us your questions or a short description of your IP needs. We will revert to you as soon as possible.

Send us a message

Contact information

+352 276115-110

Landaubogen 1-3, 81373 Munich 70 04 25, 81304 Munich

Italia and beyond

De Simone & Partners acts beyond the scope of IP affairs in support of businesses, covering advertising, regulatory affairs, business development, marketing and data protection, while supporting clients with a thorough analysis of their Intellectual Property (IP) portfolio, providing expertise on filing strategies and the feasibility of business projects.

Meet De Simone & Partners
IP services in Italy