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Patent whiffs, name tiffs and deepfake tricks: a fragrant IP mix

Some developments in the world of Intellectual Property kick up a stink, others entice the senses. Just who will come out smelling of roses?


Balancing investment risk and sustainability in Intellectual Property

No matter their industry, all commercial assets are wont to be touched by time and the fickle winds that varyingly drive and buffet the marketplace.





Everyday IP: From watches to wearables

When we say something works like clockwork, we mean it operates in a way that is orderly, reliable and precise, just as any patent should.


Brand defense 101: Making the reactive active

With imitation and counterfeit products on the rise, navigating the complexities of brand protection has never been more challenging or more necessary.


Bye-bye, birdie: Intellectual Property breakups and takeoffs

How do you throw down the trademark gauntlet? When is a shock rebrand no surprise? And what aerial patents are changing city life? We have the answers.


Transitioning IP departments from cost centers to profit lines

Discover strategies to shift from cost centers to profit drivers, fueling business success and innovation.



“获得专利需要多长时间?”这个问题没有简单的答案。 管辖法律、办公室积压和申请质量都会影响其中。


Everyday IP: Cycling through time

From the days of the "dandy horse" to the excitement of the Tour de France, the bicycle has become an integral part of transportation history in a relatively short span.


The major types of Intellectual Property (and how to protect them)

Understanding the distinctions between the major types of Intellectual Property is critical for protecting them appropriately.


Everyday IP: Spreading the word about mobile phones

One of the most ubiquitous pieces of consumer technology has a lineage that stretches back further than you might expect.


When bad packaging is a brand killer

Unremarkable or unappealing packaging hurts your branding and fails to maximize your IP's value. Learn about this potential pitfall and how to avoid it.