Keep track of the competition
Detect new technological trends
Spot publications similar to your portfolio
See Octimine Monitor in action
Say goodbye to repetitive manual patent searches and save time with our AI-powered monitor feature. We do the heavy lifting, you focus on what matters most.
Our monitoring tools keep you updated on the latest trends and developments in your industry.
No more sifting through pages of irrelevant patents. We rank search results for you, refining our outputs the more you use Octimine.

Set it up once and
save time
Streamline the patent search process by automating it, freeing more time and energy for innovation. With intelligent technology taking care of the repetitive and time-consuming aspects of patent searching, your team can focus on high-value activities and strategic decision-making.
Tailor results
to your needs
By providing feedback, you can train your monitor profiles and receive customized alerts regarding competitor activities and emerging technologies. The AI system uses your input to customize notifications that align with your preferences and priorities, delivering a personalized experience.
Act on insights,
not instinct
Monitoring what is happening in the patent environment comes with valuable insights that put you in control of your business decisions. Our analytics support you in understanding market dynamics, competitors' behavior and industry trends so you can make informed decisions that drive success.
Transform raw information into valuable knowledge through real-time distribution and collaborative efforts. By instantly sharing and engaging in cooperative efforts, you can harness your team's collective expertise and insights, facilitating a dynamic exchange of ideas and perspectives.
With our AI search algorithm, you can generate and train multiple monitoring profiles which act as customized filters that continuously scan new patent publications. Setting up these profiles lets you stay informed and receive timely alerts whenever new relevant patents are published.

Stay on top of every legal change affecting a patent by entrusting Octimine to keep you informed every step of the way. Simply let us know your preferences, and we will ensure you stay up to date with significant events such as patent grants or expirations.
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