IP Christmas Quiz 2018: Play to help us donate for cleaner oceans!
Help us free the oceans of plastic waste! All you have to do is participate in the IP Quiz and, for each correct answer, Dennemeyer will donate €2 to the World Wild Fund for Nature (WWF) to support their goal for nature to be plastic-free by 2030.

Dr. Christopher Brückner joins Dennemeyer & Associates Munich
Dr. Christopher Brückner joins the international IP law firm Dennemeyer & Associates in Munich. He is a specialist in Supplementary Protection Certificates (SPCs) and the author of the only relevant commentary literature about SPCs.

Frosecution: a creative approach to patent preparations
Dennemeyer & Associates' Frosecution™ solution is a creative approach to patent preparations. In this article featured in WIPR - World IP Review, Steven Shape, Dr. Malte Köllner & Cary Levitt explain how one Dennemeyer office takes responsibility for the

Dennemeyer & Associates announces Victoria Friedman as Director, Head of US Office
Dennemeyer & Associates is pleased to announce Victoria Friedman as the new Director of our US office. Victoria Friedman is an IP attorney specializing in client counseling, procurement and IP management. She represents some of the largest brand owners in

IP Trend Monitor 2018 study: IP experts see digitalization as an opportunity
The first IP Trend Monitor study, which focused on the impact of digitalization on the management of IP, has been finalized.
Dennemeyer’s plans as seen by LG magazine
Initially a patent law firm, founded in Luxembourg by John J. Dennemeyer back in 1962, Denne…

6 things to consider when selecting a docketing service
As the docketing industry has evolved, customers’ demands have also expanded. Dennemeyer's Russell Baylin, Docketing Services Manager for North America, writes about the 6 things to consider when selecting a Docketing service.

IP Update von Dr. Malte Köllner: Neues von Feldmaus und Brexit
Video zum neuen „IP Update“ von Dr. Malte Köllner (Dennemeyer & Associates) am Patentinformationszentrum (PIZ) Darmstadt. <!-- Do not remove bellow script --> <script type="text/javascript"> function addAuthorNewBlogPost(){ var author_l
Industry publications take notice of Dennemeyer’s recent business acquisition
Following Octimine’s recent acquisition by the Dennemeyer Group, there have been numerous po…

Dennemeyer Group acquires innovative provider of semantic patent search services “octimine”
The Dennemeyer Group announces the acquisition of “octimine technologies GmbH”, an innovative startup company based in Munich, Germany. Octimine, founded in 2015, provides cutting-edge patent searching and patent analysis technology using artificial intel

Testing the waters with a UKIPO validity opinion
For a UKIPO validity opinion, only newly raised grounds will be analyzed, but these can include insufficiency and added matter arguments, as well as arguments based on novelty and / or inventive step.