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IP Blog / New European patent validation web application

New European patent validation web application

Dennemeyer & Associates is pleased to announce the release of its first European patent validation web application.

The validation of European patents can be very expensive. Budgetary constraints may hinder, limit or influence the selection of the different states where a user may wish to secure protection. The lack of visibility over the applicable translation regimes and procedural requirements often makes it difficult to reach a cost effective, tactical and strategic decision.

The Dennemeyer validation web application offers you access to a method for validating a European patent in your preferred states based on a given budget.

By relying on different parameters, for example, the geographical location, and/or the applicable translation regimes and indicators such as gross domestic product or most frequently designated countries, you can speed up the decision making process, reduce the likelihood of errors and align the costs with your planned budget.

Why offer this web application? Conventional wisdom would suggest that one cannot efficiently outsource the administrative burden arising from the validation process without relying on robust automated means. Embracing digitalization is not an end in itself and does not always guarantee an optimum quality of service. As Dr. Robert Fichter, Managing Director of Dennemeyer & Associates puts it:

For many years, our service for European patent validations experienced exponential growth in the absence of a web portal. We do not want to offer such a tool by default, which is why we have spent the time necessary to formulate a solution tailored to our clients’ needs. Beyond the mere reliance on automated tools, our service focuses on other equally weighted needs. To name a few, in no particular order, our clients expect high quality supported by concrete process related indicators, standardized workflows, cost savings, simplified billing and budgeting predictability. Such needs frame our roadmap.”

At Dennemeyer, the validation service is rendered by the patent law firm and instructions are handled by a dedicated team of IP specialists under the direct supervision of in house attorneys. Sustaining human interactions and reducing communications to the strict minimum are of paramount importance. We represent our clients in sixteen contracting states directly, which allows them to get away from escalating agent fees. All our instructions are managed and monitored via our intellectual property management software (DIAMS iQ), subject to a fully standardized process documented in our quality management system (our QMS is ISO 9001:2015 certified). The process is bound to a prescribed set of deadlines.

Martin Chatel, Product and Quality Manager for European patent validations and the handling of national and regional phase entries of PCT applications, adds:

“Patience is the virtue that guided the development of this web application. We usually do not compulsively look at what other providers offer, align our development roadmap and fall prey to misleading binary thinking. Our validation service remains solely driven by what our clients expect us to deliver. The practice of outsourcing IP activities has shown that quality cannot be measured by the aesthetic appearance of a web interface. Above all, it requires committed and qualified personnel to perform the work behind the scenes. We strive to establish a climate of confidence with our clients and help them to increase efficiency in terms of reduced time and reduced cost, without putting at risk the quality of what is delivered. This is, incidentally, the spirit in which we will continue to develop and administer our legal and administrative services relating to patents, notably in view of the forthcoming unitary patent system.”

You may activate your account here in just a few minutes. If you need any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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