The Kimono controversy: a matter of cultural awareness and risk management
Holistic risk management also has to include awareness of the fine line that divides entrepreneurial freedom from cultural expression.

Customs measures in the United Arab Emirates
Currently, many trademark owners experience sales decreases, and it is getting more important than ever not to fall prey to counterfeiters.

How AI tools will change patent practice
Discover the role that AI technologies can play in patents and how they can support and enhance the work of patent professionals.

New Italian legislation on ambush marketing for major sporting and exhibition events
The purpose of the new legislation is to strengthen the regulatory framework regarding parasitic advertising, introduce sanctions for violators and protect well-known signs in the sports field.

Top 10 features of DIAMS iQ, Dennemeyer's IP software solution
Welcome to the world of DIAMS iQ! Find out which are its top 10 features and how you can use the software to manage your IP portfolio efficiently.

Intellectual Property risks in times of crisis
Business management during crises calls for careful risk management. Find out how to assess and manage internal and external IP risks.

Octimine and Springer Professional kick-off PatentFit
The new joint software solution aims to bridge the gap between research & development and Intellectual Property.

Navigate complex patent annuity structures with the right service provider
Saving money sounds like a good idea, but there are many horror stories about firms that have lost essential patent rights after missing a payment date.

Freedom of expression counts in trademark law
How should the morality absolute grounds for refusal be interpreted, and does freedom of expression play a role in EU trademark law?

Step up your invention disclosure process!
Although DIAMS iQ is the pinnacle of Dennemeyer’s IP software, there are many other solutions designed to be provided as complementary services.

Top 9 reasons to use Dennemeyer Octimine
Discover the top reasons why you should be using Dennemeyer Octimine over other semantic patent search software.

How to efficiently manage your Intellectual Property using DIAMS iQ
If you are leading a busy IP department or working as a paralegal, you probably often find yourself looking for better ways to manage your organization's portfolio.