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PCT Nationalization - New discount program

The PCT simplifies the procedure of obtaining patents in multiple jurisdictions simultaneously by condensing the application process into a single filing in one language. Entrust us with an important volume of jurisdictions to file in and enjoy a substantial discount on our service fee.


Start any time

Regardless of when you sign the discount program, we will consider all validations or filings you have assigned to us in the past calendar year.

Discounts galore

File with Dennemeyer & Associates in a maximum of jurisdictions and enjoy maximum discounts.

Plan ahead

With our new program, you can already forecast the discounts you will enjoy next year.

EP Validation - New discount program

With a single instruction, Dennemeyer's European framework efficiently handles the validation of your granted European patents in all relevant countries to finalize your protection. Entrust us with an important volume of jurisdictions to validate and enjoy a substantial discount on our service fee.


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This discount program is applicable for all EPV clients – no special conditions are required.

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PCT Nationalization

This discount applies to those who are entrusting us with both filing and prosecution of the national phase entries.

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No discounts apply on official fees, agent fees, disbursements, courier costs and translations fees (if any). The specific discount granted applies only to Dennemeyer's service fees.

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During January of the following year, we will review the number of jurisdictions validated by Dennemeyer on your behalf. Depending on the volume instructed from your side, we will issue a credit note according to the threshold reached.

Welcome on board!

1. Sign the discount program — 2. Send us instructions — 3. Dennemeyer counts the number of jurisdictions we validated / filed for you the past calendar year — 4. Get a credit note from us and enjoy your discount!

Ready to participate?
Find out all the details by contacting us.